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Bonita Honey & Beekeeping

Reported benefits of raw honey

Pollen Allergies

Bee pollen found in raw honey provides natural allergy relief, overtime causing fewer seasonal allergy symptoms. It is best to use honey that is local as the bees are gathering nectar from the plants that are possibly bothering you.

Pre Workout Food

Honey is an easily absorbed source of energy. Use before exercise. Honey has complex carbohydrates so won’t cause insulin spikes.


Taken daily, honey may raise the level of antioxidants which have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. It contains polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants.

Wound Healer

As a natural antibacterial, honey has wound healing effects. It is usually applied directly to the problem area.

Natural Cough Syrup


It has been suggested to take 1/2 teaspoon to 2 teaspoons at bedtime to help with


Lowering Blood Sugar

Replacing sugar with honey may help prevent gaining extra pound and lowering blood sugar. It does not cause a sugar spike.  One tablespoon of honey, although about 64 calories, only has a 10 on the glycemic load (which is a bit less than a banana). 

In recipes replace a Tablespoon of sugar with two teaspoons of honey.  

What Type of Honey is Best?

Most honey eaten today is processed (filtered, heated, and possibly chemically refined). This removes the pollen and propolis from the honey and destroys many of its wonderful nutritional benefits. Know the source of your honey…… some has been adulterated with syrups. Many commercial hives have bees that are treated with antibiotics and are fed sugar. LOOK for Raw Honey. It contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, 5.000 enzymes and many vitamins. Straight from the honey bee to you!  


If you enjoy raw honey in your tea or coffee, wait until your drink is tepid enough to sip, then add the honey.  Too high of temperatures will destroy some of the enzymes and other benefits of the raw honey.